Can You Sell A Palm Tree From Your Yard?

Can You Sell A Palm Tree From Your Yard?

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    In other states with warmer weather, palm trees are commonplace. In spite of its aesthetic value, some homeowners perceive them to be a burden due to the fact that they need regular upkeep after they reach a certain size. The good news is that these homeowners may be able to make hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars by selling their trees.

    Before listing your enormous palm trees for sale, you should investigate whether or not they may be safely cut down. It may not be worth it to sell your tree and get hit with a hefty fee because of local restrictions forbidding removing huge trees in some neighbourhoods and localities.

    You should investigate whether or not such regulations exist in your area. It would be impossible to remove the tree if it were located in a place where a crane would have a hard time reaching. In addition, the tree poses a threat if it is located too close to buildings or electricity lines.

    The next step is to determine whether or not the trees are indeed valuable. An excellent resource for learning about the financial value of different palm tree types can be found by snapping a picture of the trees in question and comparing the results to a guide. The cost of hiring a digger to remove a common variety tree more than offsets any potential profit from selling the tree itself, therefore most people just keep the common variety.

    Find a respected nursery or palm digger in your neighbourhood and ask for price estimates if you have a valuable palm tree that you have the legal right to remove. You can also see if anyone is interested in buying your trees by posting images of them on a website like Craigslist.

    Since the digger must first remove the tree, then market and sell it, and finally transport it, you will likely not receive the full retail amount for your palm tree. Because accidents might happen while cutting down a large tree, it's a good idea to check the nursery's or digger's credentials to make sure they have experience with palm removal and are covered by insurance.

    Since palm palms are considered landscaping, and the real estate market is stagnant at the moment, sales have slowed significantly. However, there is still demand for enormous trees despite the fact that they take years to mature. Seeing if your palm trees are worth anything is a good idea if you are weary of caring for them. In addition to potentially increasing your wealth, regular tree maintenance could save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

    Foreword to the Palm Tree Sale

    Every few days, someone contacts me about selling a giant palm tree in their backyard. They are usually locals from someplace else. To start, please understand that I am not in the market for purchasing, excavating, and reselling enormous palms.

    Large palm materials, such as Howea forsteriana, the Kentia Palm, several Phoenix species, and Jubaea, are occasionally referred to me for expert opinion. Additionally, I am open to the idea of purchasing a small collection of rare palms or cycads housed in containers, but at this time I do not engage in the relocation of large palm trees.

    For a living, I cultivate palm trees in pots in a nursery. My palms are designed to be handled by humans, not machines. Boxed-up palms up to 24 inches are the norm for us.

    However, I continue to receive messages and calls. Many homeowners eventually find they need to have a palm tree cut down. The usual explanations include: it's getting too big; I just bought a house; I don't particularly care for palms; or the seeds are always falling and creating a mess.

    The removal of a palm tree is sometimes requested in order to make room for a new addition or remodelling project. A potential purchaser may occasionally knock on the door of a potential seller. The people who have contacted me already know another fact about palms: that they are very expensive if they grow to be very enormous. With this information in hand, they frequently feel as though they are sitting on a veritable fortune. Naturally, they hope to gain materially from their presumed windfall.

    It's easy to see why people could act this way. But it's a fact that palm diggers just go after certain palms and ignore the rest. It's common knowledge that a huge Phoenix canariensis or reclinata palm can be purchased for a few dollars and then resold by the digger for several thousand.

    Because of this, palm trees have been the subject of what amounts to urban mythology. That is exactly what has transpired. Know that a Phoenix canariensis with a thirty-foot trunk will take a nursery worker at least thirty years to develop and furnish. Nobody who owns a nursery would let their merchandise lay around for so long.

    Therefore, such vegetation must be sourced from elsewhere, most often a private garden. One issue is that not all large palms are of high quality. A person hoping to sell a huge palm from their garden is crossing their fingers that it is one of these rare and desirable specimens. There are steps you must take to verify if you actually have such a plant.

    FAQs About Arborist

    It's hard work and took some adjusting. While having familiarity with ropes and knots in general helped, I definitely had to learn some new knots and skills. The transition was easier for me than the guys with no climbing experience at all.

    Although most people think of tree climbing as a fun childhood pastime, it is often difficult and dangerous. Take the time to identify a healthy tree with sturdy footholds, and you can enjoy yourself without fear. If you climb regularly, purchase a basic climbing harness and ropes before tackling the tallest trees.

    Arborists are important individuals who help cities and individuals maintain their trees and other plants by diagnosing certain ailments and removing potential safety hazards. It's a rewarding career for those who are physically fit and enjoy working outdoors.

    The most common job of a professional tree climber is as a working arborist or tree doctor. These guys and gals climb hazardous trees, making the world above our heads a little safer. They are also credited with doing great work in helping to take care of our urban trees.

    A professional arborist, to control the direction of the fall use pull ropes, wedges, different notches and cutting techniques. Too much pull or tension can cause the trunk to split causing loss of control (something known as barber chairing). Loss of control is also caused by poor hinge wood.

    Locate the Species of Palm You Have

    A palm reader or this website's image gallery are both good places to start. If you keep reading down here, maybe one of the pictures will spark an idea. You might also contact a nearby nursery and have a worker come over to assist you. Assuming it is a valuable palm, they may make you an offer right away.

    To ascertain whether or not a palm tree is valuable, it is first necessary to identify the species. Don't get your hopes up that you have a truly uncommon palm unless you or a former owner of your home are palm enthusiasts. The Fan Palm and the Queen Palm account for the vast bulk of my calls.

    It's possible that your palm is a common species that isn't particularly valuable. Occasionally, before you purchase a home, someone will plant a rare and desired species in your garden.

    In this article, I'll describe the palms that are most likely the same as those found in local gardens. If your hand isn't shown here, you might have something truly special. Most of the ones I get called about, though, are covered here. To repeat, before you try to sell your hand, you need identify what kind it is.

    Can I get my palm on it?

    A palm digger is only interested in your palm if he can earn money off of selling it. For him to make a profit, he needs to be able to remove it from your yard without spending too much money. Therefore, the digger prefers plants that are either close to the street or can be easily reached by digging equipment. He won't care about it if he has to walk across the yard and around the pool to get to it.

    He would have to consider the plant very valuable indeed for him to invest the money to have it uprooted. Removal is less likely to occur if the plant is located close to a building or structure because doing so could endanger the building or structure. Additionally, most purchasers will pass on your specimen if there are any adjacent or overhead electrical lines. The potential for damage may outweigh the benefits of keeping the tree.

    Why Should I Buy Palm Trees?

    Why do people want to get rid of their palm trees, exactly?

    Residents approach those that buy and sell palm trees, saying they wish to get rid of their trees for various reasons.

    • Some people don't like palm trees; they may have bought a house and discovered the tree already standing in the yard.
    • Some people have an aversion to the seeds scattering everywhere and consequently dislike having to tidy it all up.
    • Due to the requirement for construction expansion, several palm tree owners are looking to sell their land.
    • Others are eager to sell since they have been told that doing so will bring in a lot of money.

    If you've decided to sell your palm tree, you need to know the proper procedure.

    Determine the Palm Tree Varietal You Have

    One can hope that a palm digger will purchase their palm tree if it can be positively identified as a member of the Phoenix family of palm trees. You may also hear these palm trees referred to as Phoenix roebelenii or Phoenix rupicola, or the less common Phoenix reclinata or Phoenix dactylifera (date palm).

    You might earn a decent price if the palm tree you're selling is one of these types. Another valuable palm tree is the Chilean Wine Palm, or Jubaea chilensis.

    Determine which species of palm trees are currently in your yard. One option is to simply snap a picture and upload it to a photo sharing website. Next, it will be examined by specialists who will verify the variety. As a result, you could start receiving bids to purchase it.

    Selling Palm Trees: Some Advice

    Picking the right person to sell your palm tree to is important. Just as in any industry, palm reading is rife with shady intermediaries looking to make a quick buck.

    When dealing with a palm reader, make sure he is the real deal and sign a contract with him. Make sure the contract specifies when the palm tree must be removed and the terms of payment are clear.

    Evergreen Tree Trimming and Removal Service is the company to call for anything tree-related. They have a lot of experience in the industry.

    Unsalable palms

    Persistent Washingtonia

    Since this palm species is so widespread, I get the most enquiries about it. Streets often have it planted along the parkways. The Mexican fan palm is a popular and distinctive palm species. The species in question digs neatly and manages to stay alive with relative ease. While this species may be tall, its rarity and lack of commercial value make it undesirable. They'll never sell!

    Unfortunately, the sales price of the palm is not enough to cover the costs of labour, crane, flatbed trucks, and brokering associated with the plant. There are insufficient funds available for sales. Posting an ad reading "free palm, you relocate" is the most efficient method of getting rid of this palm. Allow the one who gets the palm to organise the digger, crane, etc.

    This alternative is less expensive than hiring a tree service to take it down. There is a good probability, though, that you'll have to pay to get it taken care of. Don't bother calling us if you have one of them; I've never had a digger remove one before.

    The filiform Washingtonia

    These are just as worthless as their sibling W. robusta. Be aware that this species has a significantly rounder trunk than the robusta. They might be more in demand than robusta, but selling them for a healthy profit won't be simple. Getting it taken care of for free is a win in and of itself.

    Lyrics to the Romanzo-French tune known as "Syagrus

    The Queen Palm is undeniably well-liked. You may get one at any of the hardware stores. The issue is that their population is expanding rapidly, and the math doesn't favour the expert gravedigger. The vast majority of palm replanters would never consider purchasing a Queen.

    In the last decade, I haven't heard of a single property sale. The massive expense of digging and transporting is not covered by the resale price at which Queens can sell the material. Keep in mind that after 5–10 years, a 24–inch Queen planted outside would have grown to be rather huge. This is just another worthless palm. Do not contact us regarding Queen Palms.

    Species of Archontophoenix

    This is a bit of a snag. Although a huge Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, or King palm, could be desirable, this genus of palms is notoriously difficult to dig out. The general public has been aware of this for some time now. There is less than a 10% probability that you will be able to dig out a mature King Palm.

    One species, Archontophoenix alexandrae, is thought to be more adept in digging than others, but this species is not commonly kept. In light of this issue, most excavators avoid the King Palm altogether.


    The problem with this genus is that even huge Fishtail Palms can be jarred into bloom if they are uprooted and relocated. Because of this, the digger runs the danger of having to replace the palm at a later date. Do not forget the monocarpic nature of Caryotas.

    When a particular trunk flowers, it will perish. Caryota urens, particularly large ones, can be forced into bloom and quickly die from the stress of relocation. Buyers of transplanted single-trunk Fishtail palms may not get much use out of them before the trees bloom and their leaves fall off.

    Unfortunately, many people in the digging industry are unaware of this phenomenon and will confidently assure customers that their newly transplanted Fishtail would live for many years. It's also possible that a limited sample size will conceal this issue. The suckering species Caryota mitis is developing additional trunks. That's why it could be of use to the explorer.

    The danger is especially high for the huge, single-trunk types. Over the course of my career as a grower, I've seen the regret on the face of a customer who, after spending a lot of money, lost a large, magnificent Caryota that had been planted in his yard.

    You can make money off of the sale of your palm tree, but there are several factors to think about first. The first thing that will be examined is if tree cutting and selling is legal in your jurisdiction.

    However, this is not the case in the majority of counties. Only if there is no such prohibition can you even consider selling your palm tree. The second most important consideration is whether or not the palm tree kind you wish to sell to a palm digger is one that brings in a high price.

    If the palm tree you have is of a common kind that is not highly sought after, the palm digger is unlikely to be interested in it. Any potential gain would be severely diminished by the expense of removing and transporting it.

    What You Should Know and Do if You Ever Make the Decision to Sell Your Palm Tree.

    It's unfortunate but true that there are a lot of shady characters advertising their services as "palm tree movers" or "palm relocators." It's also worth noting that many trustworthy individuals are involved in this field. It's up to you to judge whether or not the other party is trustworthy. Verify his credentials by speaking with satisfied customers who have been on both buying and selling sides of his transactions in the past.

    Verify that his crane operator's licence is valid. Verify that he has proper insurance, bonds, and worker's comp for his staff. There are potential dangers to people and property when relocating huge trees. All of these things are crucial, so make sure you ask for documentation showing that you're covered by insurance, bonded, etc. Verify that it is up-to-date and official.

    In addition, you should know that the man who approached you to buy your palm may have been working on commision and had nothing to do with the actual transfer of the palm. It's possible that he's a "finder" who will be compensated if the deal is successful.

    In addition, you should request documentation showing that the following is in effect, including insurance. And, above all, make sure the deal is codified with a legally binding contract. Not only should this outline the monetary details of the deal, but it should also specify how long the digging will take.

    Diggers will often sign a contract to hold a plant in exchange for the right to keep it in your yard until they find a buyer. They may threaten to withhold payment unless the plant is uprooted. To put it another way, they're spending your money while they wait for a buyer.

    Unless you give the OK, don't proceed. Contractual timeframes should be settled upon. The digging service could take months, if not years, to remove the plant if you don't. When the palm tree needs to be removed, this could seriously disrupt your landscaping plans.

    The duration of your contractual obligations may be substantial. Establish a time limit during which the palm must be removed or the digger will lose the deposit or money. No assurances are being made regarding the palms' continued existence either. And thus lies the digger's predicament.


    Every month, hundreds of trees are lopped down to make way for construction sites and advertising hoardings. There are laws regulating the felling of trees for both private premises and private spaces. The fine for illegally felling a tree is Rs.10,000 or three months in prison, whichever is greater. A Tree Authority has been established to control tree cutting and tree planting in India. If you want to cut down or prune a tree on your property, you'll need a permit.

    In the absence of approval, fines may be levied in proportion to the age-related worth of the tree in question. Cutting down trees is never a decision to be made lightly, but it is occasionally necessary for reasons of safety. Laws governing preservation and protection can be difficult to navigate, so we've put together a guide to help you get up to speed on best practises. In most cases, pollarding and pruning can be used to save a tree by removing overhanging branches or decreasing its overall size, weight, or impact. Consult a tree expert for tips on how to handle a problematic tree and choose a tree surgeon who has passed a quality assurance test.

    It is illegal to cut down trees in a conservation area without a special permit. The Forestry Commission's approval is not required for all types of felling. These exemptions are detailed in the Forestry Act of 1967 and its amendments, as well as associated regulations. You can feel up to 5 m3 on your land without a licence in any calendar quarter. The Forestry Commission can help you decide if a tree poses an imminent threat to people or property.

    Certain providers of gas, electricity and water services must fell trees as part of their provision of those services. If it can't be proven that the tree did not pose an immediate threat, you may be charged for illegal felling. There are several benefits to cutting down a tree, some of which may be just aesthetic. In cases where a tree's lean poses a threat to your home, safety, and property, it is time to have it removed. A tree that has been injured by a natural disaster can be saved if the fallen trunks are removed.

    Trees provide many advantages for both people and wildlife, and their removal may have unintended consequences. The decision to remove a tree from your garden could result in the deaths of animals who rely on it for shelter. Trees produce oxygen, shade us from the sun, and reduce the risk of flooding, which can be fatal.

    Content Summary

    • Every month, hundreds of trees are lopped down to make way for construction sites and advertising hoardings.
    • Indeed, urbanisation is necessary for social, economic, and individual development, but there are laws set out by the government regulating the felling of trees for both private premises and private spaces.
    • Let's take a moment to review the rules and consequences of tree lopping, as well as some viable alternatives.
    • The Forest Act mandates that all states have laws prohibiting the needless cutting down of trees.
    • You may, however, be unsure as to whether or not you need a permit in order to chop down a tree on your property.
    • In order to remove trees that are in the way, have branches that are close to your home, or are covering hoardings, you will need to obtain permission from the Forest department.
    • An application, including a description of the danger you face, a copy of your title deed or ownership certificate, a photograph, and a fee must be submitted to the local Forest department office if you want to have a tree removed that is in your way or for any other reason.
    • In the absence of approval, fines may be levied in proportion to the age-related worth of the tree in question.
    • A Tree Authority has been established to control tree cutting and tree planting in accordance with The Preservation of Trees Act of 1975.
    • To gauge public opinion, the Tree Authority typically publishes a public notice in the local newspaper shortly after granting a request to cut down trees for a major project.
    • This is because Tree Authorities are in short supply in India.
    • Do you need a permit to remove a tree?
    • If you want to cut down or prune a tree on your property, you'll need a permit.
    • There is a tree preservation order in effect, therefore you can't touch it without the approval of the relevant authorities.
    • It's on private land, it's a relatively recent construction (within the past five years), and it may be subject to conditions on the original planning approval; for further information, get in touch with the Tree Officer at your local authority.
    • They'll find out if a permit is needed by contacting the relevant authorities.
    • Finally, it's important to think about the animals in the area, as the removal of trees during the mating season could be bad for the birds and other creatures that live there.
    • Need to cut down a tree?
    • If you want to work on a tree but aren't sure if it's legal, you should contact the local government or the appropriate agency: Natural Resources of Wales Forestry Commission of Scotland The Forest Service of Northern Ireland Taking down a tree in your yard You do not require a permit to cut down a tree in your own yard if you are the homeowner, unless the tree is located in a: in a zone designated as a Conservation Area where trees must be preserved.
    • Forestry permits You may require a felling licence if you need to cut down a tree anywhere other than your own backyard.
    • Substitutes for Tree Cutting Cutting down a tree is a drastic measure that could have negative effects on humans and other forms of life.
    • However, in cases where tree problems are severe, it is still important to consider alternatives.
    • Consult a tree expert or consultant for tips on how to handle a problematic tree, and choose a tree surgeon who has passed a quality assurance test before beginning any extensive work.
    • If you want to register a tree with a TPO or have one handle its care, you'll need to fill out an application first.
    • Request an immediate TPO from the council to protect a beloved tree.
    • Safeguards in place for nature reserves Some forests are designated as conservation areas specifically for their tree species.
    • Different types of natural and man-made landmarks can be designated as Conservation Areas by local planning authorities.
    • It is illegal to cut down trees in a conservation area without a special permit.
    • The trees in a Conservation Area can also be treated with TPOs.
    • The Forestry Commission's approval is not required for all types of felling.
    • In order to lessen the risk without cutting down the trees, the Forestry Commission may be able to offer some suggestions.
    • If it can be proven that the tree did not pose an imminent threat to people or property, you may be charged for illegal felling.
    • To learn more, check out the Forestry Commission's pamphlet.
    • You'll need an Arborist Impact Assessment if this research reveals that trees are at risk (Arboricultural Impact Assessment).
    • The trees that can be safely cut down to make way for the construction are identified, and suggestions on how the surviving trees can be safeguarded.
    • Tensions arising from tree cutting There are several benefits to cutting down a tree, some of which may be just aesthetic.
    • Although reserving a tree is a good deed in and of itself, it can be questioned from a different angle as to whether or not it should be maintained.
    • Your thoughts on the motivations behind tree lopping?
    • Whenever a home or surrounding structures are in danger from expanding roots, root removal should be considered.
    • In cases where a tree is causing harm to nearby structures due to high winds, When a tree's lean poses a threat to your home, safety, and property, it is time to have it removed.
    • A tree's removal and its consequences There could be valid reasons for you to remove a tree.
    • Trees provide many advantages for both people and wildlife, and their removal may have unintended consequences.
    • Can you believe that trees provide cover for animals?
    • Birds and reptiles alike rely on trees for a variety of reasons, including food, protection, and a place to call home.
    • The decision to remove a tree from your garden could result in the deaths of animals who rely on it for shelter.
    • We can relax in the presence of trees.
    • Therefore, trees' aesthetic benefits are just one of their numerous functions.
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